

(Business Workflows and Processes)

Automation is your key to getting your time back, and will dramatically decrease your time to response regarding security actions as well. We specialize in finding out what parts of your business processes can be automated, then help you achieve this based on your unique needs.


Security isn’t something you want to “fake it til you make it”. Our approach lets you BYOT (Bring Your Own Tech), which makes onboarding a breeze. We will integrate your current solutions/controls into our partners advanced SOC to ensure an easy and quick setup, all at a fraction of the price of setting up your own Security Operations Center. Let us handle your Security Operations so you can get back to focusing on everything else on your plate.

Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Scanning

You don’t know what you don’t know. Let us show you your vulnerabilities so you can rest easy at night knowing you’re secure.

End User Awareness Training

We are only as strong as our weakest links, and these days, that’s commonly seen as our users. Regardless of the solutions/controls we have in place, end users remain a focus of bad actors due to a lack of security awareness they have. Let us change that by helping you create a security mindful team via fun and informative micro trainings (we aren’t joking…your users will truly enjoy our approach).

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